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VotingSubProcess with Results Table

Published by: Collibra Lab
Latest version: 0.3.2
Released: June 22, 2020
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In the out of the box votingSubProcess workflow, the results of the voting are not published. In order to publish the votes as well and the mandatory comments, the votingSubProcess was customized to display a table in the comments with the voters, their results and any comments as child comments to the vote.


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Release Notes

Release Notes v0.3.2:

  • Updated workflow remove any usage of itemV2.
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • Collibra API v2
License and Usage Requirements

Release History

Version 0.3.1
May 29, 2020
Release Notes

Release Notes v0.3.1:

  • Updated workflow to account for multiple calls to the votingSubProcess in the parent workflow.
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • Collibra API v2
License and Usage Requirements
Version 0.3
November 8, 2019
Release Notes

Release Notes v0.3:

  • Changed the Namespace to v2 namespace: http://www.collibra.com/apiv2
  • Converted votingTable.groovy to API V2
  • Removed any delegates, and converted delegate functionality to Script Tasks for same form fit and function as previous version that utilizes API v1.
  • Will only work on v5.7 due to replacement of Collibra API v2.
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • Collibra API v2
License and Usage Requirements

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on August 13, 2021

The code was easy to read and incredibly helpful. This added an insightful feature to our Collibra instance

on August 24, 2021

Thanks for the feedback Chris.

on June 30, 2021

Please post your remarks, questions or feedback on our forum, our growing community of data citizen will be able to help you out: https://datacitizens.collibra.com/forum/t/votingsubprocess-with-results-table/809

on September 06, 2019

Users get to see how each person voted for the resource being voted on. There is no ambiguity in the outcome of the voting.

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