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Import Users From Excel

Published by: Collibra Lab
Latest version: 0.1.4
Released: December 6, 2022
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Community Offerings” are offerings published by third parties or Collibra within the Collibra Marketplace community.  Community Offerings are free and made available “as is” by Collibra.  Your master commercial agreement with Collibra for the Collibra Service DOES NOT apply to your use of the Community Offerings (including any warranties, support services and service levels referenced therein).   Your use of Community Offerings is subject to the Collibra Marketplace License Agreement, as may be modified from time to time by Collibra.  Collibra encourages users to seek assistance for Community Offerings from peers and other Data Citizens via the Collibra Community platform.

This workflow will import local (non LDAP, non SSO) users.  It can be used for setting up all the users for training purposes, or for reseting existing user information such as First Name, Last Name, email address, groups etc.  Once the user is created, the activation email will go out to their email address for setting up the user password.


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Release Notes

Release Notes – v0.1.4:

  • Due to the license model change, the License Type validation has been updated – the field in the excel file is optional in 2022-11+.
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • Collibra API v2
License and Usage Requirements

Release History

Version 0.1.3
February 11, 2021
Release Notes

Release Notes – v0.1.3:

  • Added checkbox to ignore user group assignments upon import to update existing users.

Release Notes – v0.1.2:

  • Added ability to modify an existing user’s assigned groups to match current the import excel file.
  • Fixed issue when there are more than 1k users in system.
  • Better handling of empty cells.
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • Collibra API v2
License and Usage Requirements
Version 0.1.2
February 9, 2021
Release Notes

Release Notes – v0.1.2:

  • Added ability to modify an existing user’s assigned groups to match current the import excel file.
  • Fixed issue when there are more than 1k users in system.
  • Better handling of empty cells.
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • Collibra API v2
License and Usage Requirements
Version 0.1.1
August 16, 2019
Release Notes

Fixed an issue regarding (existing) disabled users not found

  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • Collibra Platform 5.6.x
  • 5.7.x System administration privileges
License and Usage Requirements
Version 0.1
May 21, 2019
Release Notes

Release v0.1 – Initial Release

  • Tested on the following versions: Collibra DGC v5.6
  • The listing will not work on prior versions due to the userGroup method to create multiple groups not existing prior to v5.6
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • Collibra DGC v5.6.x System administration privileges
License and Usage Requirements


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on December 06, 2022


With Version Collibra 2022.11.1 the Licence key words have changed.
“Customer” is now “Read-only”, “Author” is “Standard”.

The Workflow does not work anymore, so we kindly ask you to adjust the workflow as well > Error: License Type Not Recognized – License Type Not Recognized ‘Read-only’

Thank you and kind regards,

on December 06, 2022

Thank for your feedback Susanne, we’ll look into this and get back to you asap.

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