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Export Open Tasks

Published by: Collibra Lab
Latest version: 0.1
Released: August 16, 2019
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As a Collibra System Administrator, I want to export all of the open tasks listed under the All Tasks page.


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Release Notes

Release v0.1 – Initial Release:
This workflow can generate a spreadsheet that lists all open tasks in DGC and the following characteristics:
• Workflow Definition Name
• Task Name
• Task Description
• Task Assignees
• Resource that the task is on
• Task Due Date
• URL to Resource
• Task Creation Date
• Error
• Task ID on workflow

  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • N/A
License and Usage Requirements

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on April 07, 2020

It doesn’t work in the latest version 5.7. It gives errors in java and apache as private class. And error message doesn’t show any errors it only says that workflow has not been started. This workflow must be revised.

on February 23, 2021

Hi Guillermo, thanks for this remark, we’ve checks and updates and it now works on version 5.7.3+ also. Best regards.

on January 15, 2020

is this Compatible with 5.7?

on February 23, 2021

Dear Siddh, yes this workflow is compatible, we have just tested it against 5.7.2

on October 28, 2019

Always nice to be able to export those without having to use the Rest API…thank you!

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