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Daily Notification of Refresh Conflicts

Published by: Collibra Lab
Latest version: 0.1.1
Released: May 6, 2021
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Community Offerings” are offerings published by third parties or Collibra within the Collibra Marketplace community.  Community Offerings are free and made available “as is” by Collibra.  Your master commercial agreement with Collibra for the Collibra Service DOES NOT apply to your use of the Community Offerings (including any warranties, support services and service levels referenced therein).   Your use of Community Offerings is subject to the Collibra Marketplace License Agreement, as may be modified from time to time by Collibra.  Collibra encourages users to seek assistance for Community Offerings from peers and other Data Citizens via the Collibra Community platform.

When a data source is refreshed, refresh conflicts may arise as a result of the refresh.
There is not any out of the box functionality to notify of the refresh conflicts, an owner would need to navigate to their schemas and expose the ‘Refresh Conflicts’ column in order to see them after each refresh to see if any actions are necessary.
The existence of the refresh conflicts will prevent the refresh from running properly until the refresh conflict has been resolved.

This workflow runs on a daily basis, preset to 3AM on the server time, and it will scan the environment for the existence of Refresh Conflict attributes, the asset it is on and gather the value of the Refresh Conflict and also the Owner (role can be configured in variables).
The workflow then generates an email to those users to inform them of the assets with refresh conflicts found.


More details

Release Notes

Release Notes – v0.1.1: Fixed bug when there are no refresh conflicts

  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • Collibra API v2
License and Usage Requirements

Release History

Version v0.1
April 6, 2021
Release Notes

v0.1 – Initial Release

  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • Collibra API v2
License and Usage Requirements

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on January 19, 2022

This doesn’t work with v5.7.6 version. Please let us know. Also the email doesn’t have details about which Domain, community the conflict asset belong to.

on December 10, 2021

Doesn’t work with version 2021.11. Please update.

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