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Responsibility Notification Summary Workflow

Published by: Datashift
Latest version: v0.1
Released: February 8, 2023
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Partner Offering

Partner Offerings are Apps published by third party Collibra partners. Partners create, own and are responsible for their Partner Offerings. Read more.


“Partner Offerings” are offerings published by third party Collibra Partners via the Collibra Marketplace. Partners create, own and are responsible for their Partner Offerings. Fees, if any, associated with Partner Offerings are designated and collected by the Partner.  Your use and purchase (if applicable) of Partner Offerings are subject to (a) the terms and conditions referenced on or via link within the Partner Offering listing, or (b) if such terms and conditions are not referenced on the listing, then the Collibra Marketplace License Agreement.  Your Master Agreement with Collibra for the Collibra Service DOES NOT apply to your use of the Partner Offerings (including any warranties, support services and service levels referenced therein).  Collibra may, but is not obligated to provide first level support for customers of the Collibra Service with respect to your use of a Partner Offering.

This workflow notifies users by email when they are assigned to new responsibilities in the past week in Collibra. The new responsibilities are bundled in a clear table making it an excellent way to keep your users up to date about the newly assigned roles on Collibra resources (Asset(s), Domain(s) and/or Community/ies) . 

The email is customizable by the variables of the workflow. Out-Of-The-Box, the email is sent every Monday at 8:30 AM UTC. 

All variables can be configured on the workflow page in your environment, all details are provided in the deployment section. The frequency of the workflow can be customized in the timer start event of the workflow. By default, the workflow will run each Monday at 8:30 AM UTC time. Please use a Spring Cron expression to customize the frequency of the workflow.  

To preview the email that will be sent out, modify the ‘testEmail’ variable to a developers email and the ‘devPrefix’ variable to match your development environment. Next, trigger the workflow in your development environment. All the emails will be in this case sent out to the test email and not to the assignees of the outstanding tasks. Please deploy the workflow to production if the email is validated. 


More details

Release Notes

Initial release.

  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • N/A
License and Usage Requirements

This workflow is supported by Datshift.

If you have any questions or feedback about this workflow please contact us through our Worklfow As A Service contact form.



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