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Insights Data Access

Published by: Collibra Insights
Latest version: 1.8.0
Released: June 3, 2024
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“Commercial Offerings” are offerings purchased as part of the Collibra Service. Use of Commercial Offerings may be subject to additional fees charged by Collibra.  Your use of Commercial Offerings is governed by the terms and conditions of your master commercial agreement with Collibra for the purchase of the Collibra Service. The warranties, support services and service levels referenced in such master agreement apply to Commercial Offerings.

This package contains .sql scripts to create necessary tables for Insights Data Access introduced in Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud 2020.12.


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Release Notes
  • Added support for `view_events` table.
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • N/A
License and Usage Requirements

Release History

Version 1.6.0
June 3, 2024
Release Notes
  • relation_id column was added to Relation table
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • N/A
License and Usage Requirements
Version 1.4.0
June 3, 2024
Release Notes
  • Insights Reporting Data Layer now includes Complex Relations
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud 2021.01
  • N/A
License and Usage Requirements
Version 1.3.0
June 3, 2024
Release Notes
  • Insights Reporting Data Layer now includes Asset Tags.
  • Extend current RDL filter to show domains and assets where domain type is 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000030005 (Issues Vocabulary Type).
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud 2020.12
  • N/A
License and Usage Requirements
Version 1.2.0
June 3, 2024
Release Notes
  • Compatibility fix
  • When applying an Athena schema, all previously created tables are now deleted and replaced by new tables that reflect the applied schema of the reporting data layer
  • All fields in the reporting data layer parquet files are now correctly marked as optional
  • When a responsibility is assigned to a user group, corresponding data is now shown at the group level, instead of at the level of the users in the group. Two new fields, group_id and group_name, have been added to the reporting data layer Responsibility table
  • Elements of the Collibra meta model for which the meta flag is set to True are no longer included in the reporting data layer
  • Collibra Platform 2020.11
  • N/A
License and Usage Requirements
Version 1.1.1
June 3, 2024
Release Notes

Compatibility fix.

  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • N/A
License and Usage Requirements
Version 1.0.0
June 3, 2024
Release Notes

You can:

  • Run the .sql files in the package in Athena to create six tables for the Reporting Data Layer introduced in Collibra Data Governance Center v5.7.
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • N/A
License and Usage Requirements


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Collibra Insights



on April 23, 2021

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