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Read from a database and import into Collibra

Published by: Collibra Marketplace
Latest version: 1.0.3
Released: November 25, 2022
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Community Offering

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Community Offerings” are offerings published by third parties or Collibra within the Collibra Marketplace community.  Community Offerings are free and made available “as is” by Collibra.  Your master commercial agreement with Collibra for the Collibra Service DOES NOT apply to your use of the Community Offerings (including any warranties, support services and service levels referenced therein).   Your use of Community Offerings is subject to the Collibra Marketplace License Agreement, as may be modified from time to time by Collibra.  Collibra encourages users to seek assistance for Community Offerings from peers and other Data Citizens via the Collibra Community platform.

One of the more common integration patterns around the Collibra platform is to frequently import records from a database such as reference data, data quality results, inventory of technology assets and so on into Collibra. You would usually execute one or more SQL queries against the database. You would then map the result set to the Collibra metamodel and then import the data into Collibra. The goal of this Spring Boot-based integration template is to demonstrate how to implement such integration use cases using Collibra APIs. As a Collibra integration developer, you can use the code behind this integration template and several others to build your own custom integrations faster and using best practices.

This Spring Boot application creates and populates an in-memory database with meaningful records such as reference data and data quality results, which it imports into Collibra. The application also shows how you can map the result of any SQL query to the Collibra metamodel, whether it be the packaged one or metamodel elements specific to a particular implementation of the Collibra platform. This application focuses on the following types of records and how you can import them into Collibra but you can adapt the code to your own use cases:

  1. Reference data from a database retrieved using SQL queries.
  2. Data quality check results from a database retrieved using SQL queries.
  3. Data from systems, applications and databases from a database retrieved using SQL queries.

Elements in Scope

The integration is designed to retrieve the following metadata:

Asset Type

  • Code Set
  • Code Value
  • Data Quality Metric
  • System
  • Application
  • Database

To receive support on this item, you can engage our Professional Services team or post any questions in the Data Citizens Community.


More details

Release Notes
  • Removed security vulnerabilities
  • Upgraded to Spring Boot version 2.7.5
  • Docker file added
  • Spring Boot Framework
  • Eclipse IDE
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • Java Runtime Environment 1.8
  • Spring Boot Integration Library
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud API v2
  • H2 database
License and Usage Requirements

Release History

Version 1.0.2
April 7, 2022
Release Notes
  • Updated the Spring Boot Starter Parent version to 2.5.12
  • Updated the Collibra Integration Library version to 1.1.5
  • Spring Boot Framework
  • Eclipse IDE
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • Java Runtime Environment 1.8
  • Spring Boot Integration Library
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud API v2
  • H2 Database
License and Usage Requirements
Version 1.0.1
March 21, 2022
Release Notes

– Refactoring according to standard-reference template.
– File Structuring of Components and Services
– Constructor Autowiring
– Adding Constants
– Fixing Type Warnings
– Exception Handling
– Lombok
– Sync Lock
– Adding AppConfig
– Updating Authentication Config
– Main Service with ETL format

  • Spring Boot Framework
  • Eclipse IDE
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • Java Runtime Environment 1.8
  • Spring Boot Integration Library
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud API v2
  • H2 Database
License and Usage Requirements
Version 1.0.0
October 27, 2021
Release Notes

Initial release:

Spring Boot integration that imports data from an in-memory database into Collibra. The application automatically creates the in-memory database and populates it with data when it starts up.

  • Spring Boot Framework
  • Eclipse IDE
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • Java Runtime Environment 8
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud API v2
  • H2 Database
  • Collibra Platform v2021+
  • Spring Boot Integration Library
License and Usage Requirements

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The following terms shall apply to the extent you receive the source code to this offering.

Notwithstanding the terms of the Binary Code License Agreement under which this integration template is licensed, Collibra grants you, the Licensee, the right to access the source code to the integrated template in order to copy and modify said source code for Licensee’s internal use purposes and solely for the purpose of developing connections and/or integrations with Collibra products and services.

Solely with respect to this integration template, the term “Software,” as defined under the Binary Code License Agreement, shall include the source code version thereof. Except with respect to the foregoing, all remaining terms of the Binary Code License Agreement shall apply to the license of integration template hereunder.


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