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Quorum Voting Sub Process

Published by: Collibra Lab
Latest version: v0.1
Released: May 28, 2024
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The Quorum Voting Sub Process is a modified version of the OOTB Voting Sub Process.
In the OOTB Voting Sub Process – the users who occupy the voterUserExpression are assigned tasks to vote – and if the votePercentage has been reached (or if that percentage can never be reached) before the voteDuration has been reached – then the voting sub process ends – this does not give the remaining users the opportunity to opine on the voting task.  In the OOTB Voting Sub Process, the result is calculated from the approved vote count out of the possible number of voters.  In the Quorum Voting Sub Process, the result is calculated from the approved count out of the submitted votes, the non voting users does not affect the result.

To remedy the issues from the OOTB voting sub process, a quorum is established in this workflow when a certain percentage (defined by the variable quorumPercentage) of users has submitted their votes when the quorum duration has been reached.  Since the Quorum Voting Sub Process is duration based:

  • If a quorum has been established before the duration is has been reached – then the voting does not end – it will remain opened until the duration has been reached allowing users to opine.
  • If a quorum has not been established after the duration has been reached – then the remaining voting tasks will remain open until the quorum percentage has been reached.
  • If all users vote before the duration is up – then voting is ended since there are no remaining users to vote.

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Release Notes

Release Notes – v0.1

  • Initial Release
  • Added Simple Quorum Approval Process as an example to show how to call the quorum voting sub process.
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • N/A
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