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Delphix Masking Accelerator / Microservice

Published by: FWD View
Latest version: Preview
Released: February 1, 2023
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“Partner Offerings” are offerings published by third party Collibra Partners via the Collibra Marketplace. Partners create, own and are responsible for their Partner Offerings. Fees, if any, associated with Partner Offerings are designated and collected by the Partner.  Your use and purchase (if applicable) of Partner Offerings are subject to (a) the terms and conditions referenced on or via link within the Partner Offering listing, or (b) if such terms and conditions are not referenced on the listing, then the Collibra Marketplace License Agreement.  Your Master Agreement with Collibra for the Collibra Service DOES NOT apply to your use of the Partner Offerings (including any warranties, support services and service levels referenced therein).  Collibra may, but is not obligated to provide first level support for customers of the Collibra Service with respect to your use of a Partner Offering.

Accelerator empowers data stewards and masking experts by centralizing and enabling easy access to metadata catalogue, masking rules implementation, business context in Collibra Data Intelligence Platform.

Solution Highlights

  • OBSERVABILITY – Data Stewards, Business Stewards, Data Source Owners and Technical Experts can efficiently get a policy overview and its technical coverage
  • EFFICIENCY AND ACCURACY – Technical Experts can quicker implement masking rules by utilizing centrally governed business dictionaries, metadata catalogue and masking artifacts
  • ROI – Automation of Delphix masking artifacts onboarding and data source linking processes

Use Cases

  • Masking artifacts cataloguing
  • Help with responses to Regulator on how PII data is masked.
  • Effective data source masking implementation (real life use cases might take up to 3 months to find out which information to mask and how to mask it)
  • Minimizes risks of being broken for applications which are using masked DB.
  • Identify gaps of classified metadata
  • Masking compliance automation (validations rules for PII Policies against Masking Rulesets implementation and status)


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Release Notes

Solution Components:

  • 3 Workflows: Onboard Masking Rules; Link Policies to Delphix Rule Sets; Stitch Masking Rules to Metadata
  • Custom Asset Types: Delphix Masking Ruleset; Delphix Masking Rule;  Delphix Masking Algorithm; Environment
  • Dashboard: Data Steward Dashboard
  • Traceability Diagrams: Explore Delphix RuleSet, Explore Policy Coverage
  • Hierarchy Views: Metadata Catalogue View; Rule Sets View
  • Validation Rule: PII Column has Masking Rule
  • Delphix 5.2 and Higher
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • N/A
License and Usage Requirements

FWD View offers free installation and consultancy services for the Preview version.

Please contact FWD View to get the FREE license via [email protected]

Free for the Preview version.

Please contact FWD View to get the FREE license via [email protected]


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