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Data Virtuality Platform Collibra Connector

Published by: Data Virtuality
Latest version: 2.4.19
Released: February 2, 2022
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Partner Offering

Partner Offerings are Apps published by third party Collibra partners. Partners create, own and are responsible for their Partner Offerings. Read more.


“Partner Offerings” are offerings published by third party Collibra Partners via the Collibra Marketplace. Partners create, own and are responsible for their Partner Offerings. Fees, if any, associated with Partner Offerings are designated and collected by the Partner.  Your use and purchase (if applicable) of Partner Offerings are subject to (a) the terms and conditions referenced on or via link within the Partner Offering listing, or (b) if such terms and conditions are not referenced on the listing, then the Collibra Marketplace License Agreement.  Your Master Agreement with Collibra for the Collibra Service DOES NOT apply to your use of the Partner Offerings (including any warranties, support services and service levels referenced therein).  Collibra may, but is not obligated to provide first level support for customers of the Collibra Service with respect to your use of a Partner Offering.

This connector enables publishing Data Virtuality’s metadata to Collibra. Data sources as well as virtual schemas can be pushed to Collibra, including contained tables, views, columns and descriptions. Collibra’s data lineage is extended with relationship information from Data Virtuality so you can transparently trace all of Data Virtuality’s data modelling steps in Collibra.


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Release Notes

Initial release. This is a Data Virtuality native integration, please look at the documentation to unlock the integration on Data Virtuality’s side.

  • Data Virtuality Server 2.3.13 and newer
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • Collibra API v2
License and Usage Requirements

Partner supported resources

Support is provided via our customer support at https://support.datavirtuality.com

During business hours: weekdays from 4am to 10pm CET

  1. Level 1 Error: within 8 business hours resolved or reduced to Level 2 Error
  2. Level 2 Error: within 24 business hours resolved or reduced to Level 3 Error
  3. Level 3 Error: within 3 business days resolved
  4. Level 4 Error: within 7 business days resolved

Please contact our Sales team or further details around licensing.

You can find the General Terms and Conditions of Data Virtuality here.


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