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Couchbase to Collibra Integration

Published by: Collibra Marketplace
Latest version: 1.0.3
Released: November 1, 2022
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Community Offering

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Community Offerings” are offerings published by third parties or Collibra within the Collibra Marketplace community.  Community Offerings are free and made available “as is” by Collibra.  Your master commercial agreement with Collibra for the Collibra Service DOES NOT apply to your use of the Community Offerings (including any warranties, support services and service levels referenced therein).   Your use of Community Offerings is subject to the Collibra Marketplace License Agreement, as may be modified from time to time by Collibra.  Collibra encourages users to seek assistance for Community Offerings from peers and other Data Citizens via the Collibra Community platform.

For this specific integration (and all other Custom Integrations listed on the Collibra Marketplace), please read the following disclaimer:

  • This integration is a template that has been developed in cooperation with a few select clients based on their custom use cases and business needs.
  • While all effort has been made to encompass a range of typical usage scenarios, specific needs beyond this may require chargeable template customization.
  • With this in mind, we have made sure that the template is available as source code and readily modifiable to suit the client's particular use case.

Couchbase is a distributed, scalable NoSQL cloud database across a diverse range of computing deployments. It is a key-value and document database with consistent and dependable performance.

This is a Spring Boot integration between Couchbase and Collibra. By choosing this integration, you will be able to reliably retrieve your metadata from Couchbase. This will help you preserve your buckets, packages, and properties. The integration will then ensure that all the important metadata is transformed and upserted to your Collibra Platform instance as assets.

Use Cases

This integration will help you increase trust and data citizen engagement around data streams that pass through, are collected by, or are produced in Couchbase.

The data center makes it straightforward for you to track changes in your Couchbase metadata. This gives you the confidence to plan and engage with relevant business process owners accordingly.

Elements in Scope

The integration is designed to retrieve the following metadata:

  • Database
  • Schema
  • Table
  • Column

To receive support on this item, you can engage our Professional Services team or post any questions in the Data Citizens Community.


More details

Release Notes
  • Added Docker files.
  • Updated the Collibra Integration Library version to 1.1.10.
  • Updated the Spring Boot version to 2.7.5.
  • Spring Boot Framework
  • Eclipse IDE
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • Java Runtime Environment 1.8
  • Spring Boot Integration Library
  • Couchbase Server EE v6.6.3 / v7.0.2
License and Usage Requirements

Release History

Version 1.0.2
June 22, 2022
Release Notes
  • Updated the Spring Boot Starter Parent version to 2.5.12 (CVE-2022-22965).
  • Updated the Collibra Integration Library version to 1.1.5.
  • Spring Boot Framework
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • Java Runtime Environment 1.8
  • Spring Boot Integration Library
  • Couchbase Server EE v6.6.3 / v7.0.2
License and Usage Requirements
Version 1.0.1
March 21, 2022
Release Notes

Updated the Spring Boot Integration Library dependency version in the pom.xml file to v1.1.3 that supports the latest Collibra Platform versions (v2022.01+).

  • Spring Boot Framework
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • Java Runtime Environment 1.8
  • Spring Boot Integration Library
  • Couchbase Server EE v6.6.3 / v7.0.2
License and Usage Requirements
Version 1.0.0
December 23, 2021
Release Notes

Initial release.

Main features:

  • A Spring Boot integration that retrieves metadata from Couchbase.
  • Upserts the transformed data as assets on the Collibra Platform.
  • Eclipse IDE
  • Spring Boot Framework
  • Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud
  • Collibra Data Intelligence On-Prem
  • Collibra Platform v2021+
  • Spring Boot Integration Library
  • Java Runtime Environment 1.8
  • Couchbase Server EE v6.6.3 / v7.0.2
License and Usage Requirements

Need help? We have a coaching session that can help you with:

  • Initial information on the integration and prerequisites for custom Springboot integrations.
  • Expert session on debugging and development support for custom Springboot integrations.

Book here

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The following terms shall apply to the extent you receive the source code to this offering.

Notwithstanding the terms of the Binary Code License Agreement under which this integration template is licensed, Collibra grants you, the Licensee, the right to access the source code to the integrated template in order to copy and modify said source code for Licensee’s internal use purposes and solely for the purpose of developing connections and/or integrations with Collibra products and services.

Solely with respect to this integration template, the term “Software,” as defined under the Binary Code License Agreement, shall include the source code version thereof. Except with respect to the foregoing, all remaining terms of the Binary Code License Agreement shall apply to the license of integration template hereunder.


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